Our New Raccoon Blog

Our New Raccoon Blog


Raccoons are some of the most compelling and intelligent creatures you will find. An elusive ambush predator with a masked bandit face and agile grasping paws — they intrigue us, sometimes dig through our garbage. These versatile animals can live nearly anywhere from woods and swamps to crowded urban environments. Raccoons are natural survivors, and they can live in almost any habitat. In the wild they commonly live between 2 and 3 years, in captivity can exceed up to 20. This blog will explore the many unique characteristics that make raccoons truly intriguing animals. Therefore, prepare to learn all about these amazing critters!

Physical Characteristics

Raccoons have a telltale black "mask" around their eyes and bushy, ringed tails. They have large, stocky bodies with pelage ranging from grey to reddish-brown. Adult raccoons range from 10 to 20 pounds, with some adults larger in an urban setting where food is more plentiful. Their front feet are essentially human hands, enabling them to pick up and open contained - both traits I have seen many times.

Fun Facts about Raccoons

  1. Raccoons have a highly developed sense of touch, which is enhanced by their wet paws.
  2. They are excellent swimmers and climbers.
  3. In some cultures, raccoons are symbols of curiosity and exploration.
Behavior and Diet

Because Raccoons are Nocturnal in other words, the only way to catch them on or around your property is during nighttime hours at all. These greedy animals are very inquisitive and make their living, looking for food everywhere. They have an omnivorous diet and consume many types of food, including fruits, nuts, insects up to small mammals - even human left overs! One of the most important behaviours they have is that they "wash" their food, making them wet it in water before eating although this behavior can remain forever as one of those still enigmas to which scientists are crazy.
The intellect of raccoons is one of its most remarkable characteristics. They can learn from experience and handle problems well, which makes them very skilled at navigating cities. Raccoons are capable of unscrewing jars, opening latches, and even remembering an answer to a problem for years. They can take advantage of new food supplies and living areas thanks to their intelligence and adaptability, which frequently puts them in close proximity to people.

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